The Semantic Web is based on describing the meaning - or semantics - of data on the Web by means of metadata - data describing other data - in the form of ontologies. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has made several recommended standards for ontology languages which differ in expressivity and ease of use. Central to these languages is that they come with a formal semantics, expressed in model-theoretic terms, which enables access to implicit knowledge by automated reasoning. Progress in the adoption of reasoning for ontology languages in practice is currently being made, but several obstacles remain to be overcome for wide adoption on the Web. In this project, we investigate the use of tractable and other ontology languages from several perspectives, with a focus on extending description logics based ontology languages around OWL with further capabilities, while staying tractable if possible. Some of the aspects considered include the integration of rules languages with OWL, paraconsistent and non-monotonic reasoning, ontology modeling advances in particular related to geoscience applications, and reasoning algorithms and tools.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1017225. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
(last update: December 4, 2017)
Funding Agency:
- Information about extending OWL with rules using nominal schemas, including a prototype implementation.
- SROELVn reasoner via Datalog
- OWL approximate reasoner via SROELVn and Datalog
- SparkEL, distributed EL+ reasoner.
- DistEL, distributed EL++ reasoner.
- DQuEL, distributed queue implementation of EL completion rules.
- D-SPARQ, distributed RDF query engine.
- Evaluation framework for string similarity metrics as applied to ontology alignment.
- Nuanced version of the OAEI Conference track generated through a survey of experts.
- Code to conduct ontology reference alignment verfication using Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
- DBPedia-YAGO property-centric alignment task.
- PropString, a string-based property alignment algorithm.
- Experimental data related to Logical Linked Data Compression.
- Proof of Concept Implementation for Default Logic Based Mapping Language
- Protege plug-in OWLAx (OWL Axiomatizer)
- Protege plug-in ROWL (Modeling OWL with Rules)
D. Carral, “Efficient Reasoning Algorithms for Fragments of Horn Description Logics”, Wright State University, Dayton, 2017.
PhD Dissertation Carral.pdf (578.29 KB)
P. Hitzler and Krisnadhi, A., “On the Roles of Logical Axiomatizations for Ontologies”, in Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2016.
M. K. Sarker, Carral, D., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “Modeling OWL with Rules: The ROWL Protege Plugin”, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
ROWL.pdf (184.79 KB)
M. K. Sarker, Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “OWLAx: A Protege Plugin to Support Ontology Axiomatization through Diagramming”, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
OWLAx.pdf (609.13 KB)
D. Carral, “Efficient Reasoning Algorithms for Fragments of Horn Description Logics”, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA, 2016.
PhD-thesis-final.pdf (556 KB)
P. Hitzler, “Ontology modeling with domain experts”, in 1st International Diversity++ Workshop co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, October 12, 2015, 2015.
F. van Harmelen, Hendler, J. A., Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K., “Semantics for Big Data”, AI Magazine, vol. 36, pp. 3–4, 2015.
P. Hitzler, Janowicz, K., and Krisnadhi, A., “Ontology modeling with domain experts: The GeoVoCamp experience”, in Diversity++ 2015, Proceedings of the 1st International Diversity++ Workshop co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, October 12, 2015, 2015.
2015-diversitypp-invited.pdf (395.1 KB)
K. Janowicz, van Harmelen, F., Hendler, J. A., and Hitzler, P., “Why the Data Train Needs Semantic Rails”, AI Magazine, vol. 36, pp. 5–14, 2015.
2014-semrails.pdf (269.85 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Mateti, P., and Hitzler, P., “Towards a Rule Based Distributed OWL Reasoning Framework”, in 12th OWL Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED 2015) co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, PA, USA, 2015.
OWLED2015-Raghava.pdf (174.47 KB)
C. Feier, Carral, D., Stefanoni, G., Grau, B. Cuenca, and Horrocks, I., “The Combined Approach to Query Answering Beyond the OWL 2 Profiles”, in Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015.
The Combined Approach and Beyond.pdf (360.46 KB)
A. Krisnadhi, “Ontology Pattern-Based Data Integration”, Wright State University, Dayton, 2015.
Krisnadhi-dissertation-main.pdf (3.55 MB)
C. Feier, Carral, D., Stefanoni, G., Grau, B. Cuenca, and Horrocks, I., “Extending the Combined Approach Beyond Lightweight Description Logics”, in Proceedings of the 28th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL), 2015.
QA beyond Lightweight DLs.pdf (479.6 KB)
K. Sengupta and Hitzler, P., “Towards Defeasible Mappings for Tractable Description Logics”, in ISWC 2015 - 14th International Semantic Web Conference, Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 11-15, 2015, 2015, pp. 237-252.
2015-iswc-defmap.pdf (344.97 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Hitzler, P., Mateti, P., and Lécué, F., “Distributed and Scalable OWL EL Reasoning”, in Proceedings of the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015) , Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015.
DistEL-ESWC2015.pdf (330.04 KB)
R. Mutharaju and Kapanipathi, P., “Are We Really Standing on the Shoulders of Giants?”, in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Negative or Inconclusive Results in Semantic Web (NoISE 2015) co-located with 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015) , Portoroz, Slovenia, 2015.
NegativeResults-NoISE2015.pdf (123.8 KB)
P. Obrien, Carral, D., Mixter, J., and Hitzler, P., “An Ontology Design Pattern for Data Integration in the Library Domain”, in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2015) co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 11, 2015, 2015.
K. Sengupta and Hitzler, P., “Web Ontology Language (OWL)”, in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, R. Alhajj and Rokna, J. 2014, pp. 2374–2378.
owl-encyc-13.pdf (142.28 KB)
D. Carral, Krisnadhi, A., Rudolph, S., and Hitzler, P., “All But Not Nothing: Left-Hand Side Universals for Tractable OWL Profiles”, in Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED 2014) co-located with 13th International Semantic Web Conference on (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, October 17-18, 2014., 2014, vol. 1265, pp. 97-108.
All But Not Nothing- Left-Hand Side Universals for Tractable OWL Profiles.pdf (332.97 KB)
D. Carral, Feier, C., Romero, A. Armas, Grau, B. Cuenca, Hitzler, P., and Horrocks, I., “Is Your Ontology as Hard as You Think? Rewriting Ontologies into Simpler DLs”, in Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014., 2014, pp. 128–140.
Is Your Ontology as Hard as You Think? Rewriting Ontologies into Simpler DLs .pdf (381.91 KB)
D. Carral, Feier, C., Grau, B. Cuenca, Hitzler, P., and Horrocks, I., “EL-ifying Ontologies”, in Automated Reasoning - 7th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2014, Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, {VSL} 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 19-22, 2014. Proceedings, 2014, pp. 464–479.
EL-ifying Ontologies.pdf (581.68 KB)
K. Janowicz, Hitzler, P., Adams, B., Kolas, D., and Vardeman, C., “Five stars of Linked Data vocabulary use”, Semantic Web, vol. 5, pp. 173–176, 2014.
swj653.pdf (462.87 KB)
M. Cheatham and Hitzler, P., “The Properties of Property Alignment”, in Ninth International Workshop on Ontology Matching, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2014.
PropString.pdf (184.29 KB)
K. Sengupta, Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K., “Revisiting default description logics – and their role in aligning ontologies”, in Semantic Technology, 4th Joint International Conference, JIST 2014, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2014, vol. 8943, pp. 3-18.
2014-Kunal-defaults.pdf (308.62 KB)
M. Cheatham and Hitzler, P., “Conference v2.0: An uncertain version of the OAEI Conference benchmark”, in 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, 2014, vol. 8797, pp. 148-163.
iswc14-Michelle-conferenceV2.pdf (347.31 KB)
M. Sam, Krisnadhi, A., Wang, C., Gallagher, J. C., and Hitzler, P., “An Ontology Design Pattern for Cooking Recipes - Classroom Created”, in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014) co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, October 19, 2014., 2014, vol. 1302, pp. 49-60.
SamKriWanGalHit-CookingRecipePattern-WOP2014-TR.pdf (623.42 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Hitzler, P., and Mateti, P., “Distributed OWL EL Reasoning: The Story So Far”, in Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems, Riva Del Garda, Italy, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2014, vol. 1261, pp. 61-76.
Distributed-EL-Story-SSWS2014.pdf (437.93 KB)
C. Vardeman, Krisnadhi, A., Cheatham, M., Janowicz, K., Ferguson, H., Hitzler, P., Buccellato, A., Thirunarayan, K., Berg-Cross, G., and Hahmann, T., “An Ontology Design Pattern for Material Transformation”, in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014) co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, October 19, 2014., 2014, vol. 1302, pp. 73-77.
VarETAL-MaterialTransformationPattern-WOP2014.pdf (296.2 KB)
P. Hitzler, Lehmann, J., and Polleres, A., “Logics for the Semantic Web”, in Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 9, D. M. Gabbay, Woods, J., and Siekmann, J. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 679-710.
LogicSemWeb-HHL-BookChapter2014.pdf (473.95 KB)
A. Krisnadhi and Hitzler, P., “Description Logics”, in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, Springer, 2014, pp. 346-351.
C. Wang and Hitzler, P., “Reasoning”, in Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014, pp. 1499–1501.
M. Knorr and Hitzler, P., “Description Logics”, in Handbook of the History of Logic, vol. 9, D. M. Gabbay, Woods, J., and Siekmann, J. Elsevier, 2014, pp. 679-710.
DL-BookChapter2014.pdf (198.17 KB)
P. Hitzler and Janowicz, K., “Semantic Web”, in Computing Handbook, Third Edition: Computer Science and Software Engineering, 3rd ed., vol. I, A. Tucker, Gonzalez, T., and Diaz-Herrera, J. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2014, pp. 50-1 - 50-13.
SemWeb-crc-handbook-2014.pdf (234.67 KB)
P. Hitzler, “Ontology Design Patterns for Large-Scale Data Interchange and Discovery”, in 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2014), Linköping, Sweden, 2014, vol. 8876, p. XIX-XX.
ODP-EKAW2014.pdf (51.36 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Mateti, P., and Hitzler, P., “Developing a Distributed Reasoner for the Semantic Web”, in Proceedings of the ISWC Developers Workshop 2014, co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, 2014, vol. 1268, pp. 108–112.
DistReasoner-SemDev2014.pdf (637.12 KB)
D. Carral, Feier, C., Grau, B. Cuenca, Hitzler, P., and Horrocks, I., “Pushing the Boundaries of Tractable Ontology Reasoning”, in The Semantic Web - ISWC 2014 - 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy, October 19-23, 2014. Proceedings, Part II, 2014, pp. 148–163.
Pushing the Boundaries of Tractable Ontology Reasoning.pdf (368.01 KB)
A. Abdalla, Hu, Y., Carral, D., Li, N., and Janowicz, K., “An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning”, in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2014) co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference {(ISWC} 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, October 19, 2014., 2014, pp. 78–81.
An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning.pdf (197.64 KB)
Z. Zhou, Qi, G., Liu, C., Hitzler, P., and Mutharaju, R., “Scale reasoning with fuzzy-EL+ ontologies based on MapReduce”, in Proceedings of the IJCAI-2013 Workshop on Weighted Logics for Artificial Intelligence (WL4AI 2013), Beijing, China, 2013, pp. 87-93.
FuzzyEL-MapReduce-WL4AI2013.pdf (201.11 KB)
M. Cheatham and Hitzler, P., “String Similarity Metrics for Ontology Alignment”, in International Semantic Web Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
stringmetrics.pdf (351.45 KB)
M. Krötzsch, Rudolph, S., and Hitzler, P., “Complexities of Horn Description Logics”, ACM Trans. Comput. Log., vol. 14, p. 2, 2013.
Hitzler-HornDLs-2013.pdf (764.32 KB)
A. Krishna Joshi, Hitzler, P., and Dong, G., “Logical linked data compression”, in The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data.10th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2013, Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013. , 2013, pp. 170–184.
F. Maier, Ma, Y., and Hitzler, P., “Paraconsistent OWL and Related Logics”, Semantic Web, vol. 4, pp. 395–427, 2013.
paraOWL-2013.pdf (698.73 KB)
M. Cheatham and Hitzler, P., “StringsAuto and MapSSS Results for OAEI 2013”, in 8th International Workshop on Ontology Matching, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
MapSSS2013.pdf (89.5 KB)
S. Huang, Li, Q., and Hitzler, P., “Reasoning with Inconsistencies in Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases”, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 21, pp. 263–290, 2013.
ljigpl-parahkmf-2013.pdf (225.39 KB)
P. Hitzler and Janowicz, K., “Linked Data, Big Data, and the 4th Paradigm”, Semantic Web, vol. 4, pp. 233–235, 2013.
swj488.pdf (93.39 KB)
P. Jain, Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., and Venkatramani, C., “There’s No Money in Linked Data”, DaSe Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, USA, 2013.
No-Money-LOD-TechReport2013.pdf (82.16 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Hitzler, P., and Mateti, P., “DistEL: A Distributed EL+ Ontology Classifier”, in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems, co-located with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, Australia, 2013, vol. 1046, pp. 17-32.
SSWS2013_paper2.pdf (436.4 KB)
D. Carral, Wang, C., and Hitzler, P., “Towards an Efficient Algorithm to Reason over Description Logics Extended with Nominal Schemas”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 7th International Conference, {RR} 2013, Mannheim, Germany, July 27-29, 2013. Proceedings, 2013, pp. 65–79.
Towards an Efficient Algorithm to Reason over Description Logics extended with Nominal Schemas.pdf (327.39 KB)
C. Wang, Carral, D., and Hitzler, P., “SROIQ Syntax Approximation by Using Nominal Schemas”, in Informal Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics, Ulm, Germany, July 23 - 26, 2013, 2013, pp. 988–999.
D. Carral, Scheider, S., Janowicz, K., Vardeman, C., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “An Ontology Design Pattern for Cartographic Map Scaling”, in The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data, 10th International Conference, ESWC 2013, Montpellier, France, May 26-30, 2013. Proceedings, 2013, vol. 7882, pp. 76–93.
An Ontology Design Pattern for Cartographic Map Scaling.pdf (667.45 KB)
Y. Hu, Janowicz, K., Carral, D., Scheider, S., Kuhn, W., Berg-Cross, G., Hitzler, P., Dean, M., and Kolas, D., “A Geo-ontology Design Pattern for Semantic Trajectories”, in Spatial Information Theory - 11th International Conference, COSIT 2013, Scarborough, UK, September 2-6, 2013. Proceedings, 2013, pp. 438–456.
A Geo-Ontology Design Pattern for Semantic Trajectories.pdf (1.49 MB)
S. Lalithsena, Hitzler, P., Sheth, A., and Jain, P., “Automatic Domain Identification for Linked Open Data”, in 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence, WI 2013, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013, pp. 205–212.
DomainIdentLOD-WI13.pdf (1.16 MB)
R. Mutharaju, Sakr, S., Sala, A., and Hitzler, P., “D-SPARQ: Distributed, Scalable and Efficient RDF Query Engine”, in Proceedings of the ISWC 2013 Posters & Demonstrations Track, Sydney, Australia, 2013, vol. 1035, pp. 261–264.
dsparq-ISWC2013.pdf (210.38 KB)
R. Mutharaju, “How I Would Like Semantic Web To Be, For My Children”, in What will the Semantic Web look like 10 years from now? co-located with the 11th International Semantic Web Conference 2012 (ISWC 2012), Boston, MA, USA, 2012.
SemanticWeb-10yrs-SW2022.pdf (103.93 KB)
D. Carral, Joshi, A. Krishna, Krisnadhi, A., Mutharaju, R., Sengupta, K., and Wang, C., “Konf Connect”, in Metadata Challenge at the 21st International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW 2012), Lyon, France, 2012.
KonfConnect-MetadataChallenge-WWW2012.pdf (78.41 KB)
A. Krishna Joshi, Jain, P., Hitzler, P., Yeh, P. Z., Verma, K., Sheth, A., and Damova, M., “Alignment-based querying of linked open data”, in On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2012, Springer, 2012, pp. 807–824.
A. Krishna Joshi, Hitzler, P., and Dong, G., “Towards logical linked data compression”, in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Large and Heterogeneous Data and Quantitative Formalization in the Semantic Web, LHD+ SemQuant2012, at the 11th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC2012, 2012.
C. Wang, Krisnadhi, A., Carral, D., and Hitzler, P., “Reasoning Approaches for Nominal Schemas”, vol. Poster and Demonstration Proceedings. JIST, Nara, Japan, 2012.
M. Knorr, Carral, D., Hitzler, P., Krisnadhi, A., Maier, F., and Wang, C., “Recent Advances in Integrating OWL and Rules”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 6th International Conference, RR 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 10-12, 2012. Proceedings, Austria, Vienna, 2012, vol. 7497, pp. 225-228.
Recent Advances in Integrating OWL and Rules.pdf (175.88 KB)
K. Janowicz and Hitzler, P., “The Digital Earth as Knowledge Engine”, Semantic Web, vol. 3, pp. 213–221, 2012.
DEKE-SWJ-2012.pdf (249.38 KB)
D. Carral, Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “Integrating OWL and Rules: A Syntax Proposal for Nominal Schemas”, in Proceedings of OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 27-28, 2012, 2012, vol. 849.
Integrating OWL and Rules A Syntax Proposal for Nominal Schemas.pdf (204.1 KB)
D. Carral, Janowicz, K., and Hitzler, P., “A logical geo-ontology design pattern for quantifying over types”, in SIGSPATIAL 2012 International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (formerly known as GIS), SIGSPATIAL'12, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, November 7-9, 2012, 2012, pp. 239–248.
A Logical Geo-Ontology Design Pattern for Quantifying over Types.pdf (227.63 KB)
A. Krisnadhi and Hitzler, P., “A Tableau Algorithm for Description Logics with Nominal Schemas”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, 6th International Conference, RR2012, Vienna, Austria, September 10-12, 2012, Proceedings, 2012, vol. 7497, pp. 234-237.
KH2012-TR.pdf (427.25 KB)
D. Carral and Hitzler, P., “Extending Description Logic Rules”, in The Semantic Web: Research and Applications - 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 27-31, 2012. Proceedings, 2012, pp. 345–359.
Extending Description Logic Rules.pdf (360.84 KB)
K. Janowicz and Hitzler, P., “Key Ingredients For Your Next Semantics Elevator Talk”, in Advances in Conceptual Modeling - {ER} 2012 Workshops CMS, ECDM-NoCoDA, MoDIC, MORE-BI, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM, Florence, Italy, October 15-18, 2012. Proceedings, Florence, Italy, 2012, vol. 7518, pp. 213–220.
elevator12.pdf (177.97 KB)
G. Berg-Cross, Cruz, I., Dean, M., Finin, T., Gahegan, M., Hitzler, P., Hua, H., Janowicz, K., Li, N., Murphy, P., Nordgren, B., Obrst, L., Schildhauer, M., Sheth, A., Sinha, K., Thessen, A., Wiegand, N., and Zaslavsky, I., “Semantics and Ontologies for EarthCube”, in Workshop on GIScience in the Big Data Age, In conjunction with the seventh International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2012 (GIScience 2012), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 2012.
Semantics-Ontologies-EarthCube2012.pdf (62.78 KB)
C. Wang and Hitzler, P., “A Resolution Procedure for Description Logics with Nominal Schemas”, in Semantic Technology, Second Joint International Conference, JIST 2012, Nara, Japan, December 2-4, 2012. Proceedings, 2012, pp. 1–16.
C. Wang and Hitzler, P., “Consequence-Based Procedure for Description Logics with Self-Restriction”, in Semantic Web and Web Science - 6th Chinese Semantic Web Symposium and 1st Chinese Web Science Conference, CSWS 2012, Shenzhen, China, November 28-30, 2012., 2012, pp. 169–180.
M. Knorr, Hitzler, P., and Maier, F., “Reconciling OWL and Non-monotonic Rules for the Semantic Web”, in ECAI 2012 - 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Including Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS-2012) System Demonstrations Track, Montpellier, France, 2012, vol. 242, pp. 474–479.
OWLRules-ECAI2012.pdf (199.35 KB)
R. Mutharaju, “Very Large Scale OWL Reasoning through Distributed Computation”, in 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2012), Proceedings, Part II, Boston, MA, USA, 2012, vol. 7650, pp. 407–414.
Distributed-OWL-Reasoning-ISWC2012.pdf (142.32 KB)
S. Huang, Li, Q., and Hitzler, P., “Paraconsistent Semantics for Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 5th International Conference, RR 2011, Galway, Ireland, 2011, vol. 6902, pp. 93–107.
para-hmknf-RR2011.pdf (401.56 KB)
P. Jain, Yeh, P. Z., Verma, K., Vasquez, R. G., Damova, M., Hitzler, P., and Sheth, A., “Contextual Ontology Alignment of LOD with an Upper Ontology: A Case Study with Proton”, in The Semantic Web: Research and Applications - 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2011, vol. 6643, pp. 80–92.
blooms-eswc2011.pdf (366.02 KB)
P. Hitzler, “What's Happening in Semantic Web - .. and What FCA Could Have to Do with It”, in Formal Concept Analysis - 9th International Conference, ICFCA 2011, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2011, vol. 6628, pp. 18–23.
FCA-icfca11.pdf (120.81 KB)
M. Krötzsch, Maier, F., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “A Better Uncle for OWL: Nominal Schemas for Integrating Rules and Ontologies”, in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2011, Hyderabad, India, March 28 - April 1, 2011, 2011, pp. 645-654.
KroetzschMaierKrisnadhiHitzler-WWW11.pdf (406.28 KB)
A. Krisnadhi, Maier, F., and Hitzler, P., “OWL and Rules”, in Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for the Web of Data - 7th International Summer School 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 23-27, 2011, Tutorial Lectures, 2011, vol. 6848, pp. 382-415.
KriMaiHit-OWLRules-RW2011.pdf (427.87 KB)
A. Krisnadhi, Sengupta, K., and Hitzler, P., “Local Closed World Semantics: Grounded Circumscription for Description Logics”, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems - 5th International Conference, RR 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 29-30, 2011. Proceedings, 2011, vol. 6902, pp. 263-268.
KriSenHit-GroundedCircumscriptionDL-RR2011.pdf (259.67 KB)
M. Cheatham, “MapSSS Results for OAEI 2011”, in 6th International Workshop on Ontology Matching, Bonn, Germany, 2011.
MapSSS2011.pdf (24.49 KB)
M. Krötzsch, Maier, F., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “Nominal Schemas for Integrating Rules and Description Logics”, in Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-16, 2011, 2011, vol. 745.
A. Krisnadhi, Sengupta, K., and Hitzler, P., “Local Closed World Semantics: Keep it simple, stupid!”, in Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 13-16, 2011, 2011, vol. 745.
M. Knorr, Alferes, J. Júlio, and Hitzler, P., “Local Closed World Reasoning with Description Logics under the Well-Founded Semantics”, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 175, no. 9-10, pp. 1528–1554, 2011.
LocalClosed-AI-2011.pdf (354.24 KB)
C. A. Henson, Thirunarayan, K., Sheth, A. P., and Hitzler, P., “Representation of Parsimonious Covering Theory in OWL-DL”, in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions {(OWLED} 2011), San Francisco, California, USA, June 5-6, 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, 2011, vol. 796.
PCT-OWLED2011.pdf (520.51 KB)
K. Sengupta, Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., “Local Closed World Semantics: Grounded Circumscription for OWL”, in The Semantic Web - ISWC 2011 - 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn, Germany, October 23-27, 2011, Proceedings, Part I, 2011, vol. 7031, pp. 617-632.
SenKriHit-GroundedCircumscriptionOWL-ISWC2011.pdf (385.97 KB)