Data Semantics (DaSe) Laboratory
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (CAIDS)
Department of Computer Science
Kansas State University
2224 Engineering Hall
1701D Platt St.
Manhattan, KS 66506
A part of DaSe Lab during Zip-lining (2022)
Abhilekha Dalal visiting IIIT Delhi, June 2022
Pascal Hitzler (right) receiving the 2022 Carl R. Ice College of Engineering Recognition by the Graduate Student Council
Abhilekha Dalal's Master Graduation
Successful (and virtual) PhD defense by Monireh Ebrahimi
Successful (and virtual) PhD defense by Amir Yazdavar
Successful (and virtual) PhD defense by Lu Zhou
DaSeLab February 2020
Successful (and virtual) PhD defense by Cogan Shimizu
Adila Krisnadhi, Cogan Shimizu, Raghava Mutharaju, at ISWC 2019 in Auckland, New Zealand
DaSeLab October 2019
Rama Chittella Master Thesis Defense, July 2019
Lu Zhou Ph.D. Proposal Defense, April 2019
DaSeLab April 2018
DaSe Lab at ISWC 2018: Cogan Shimizu, Michelle Cheatham, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker, Lu Zhou
Raghava Mutharaju visiting, July 2018
After 3 days of intensive ontology modeling for the history of the slave trade, at Michigan State University, April 2018
DaSeLab, September 2017
DaSeLab at ISWC2017 (with alumnus David Carral)
Amit Joshi commencement
Raghava Mutharaju's (2nd from left) commencement, May 2017. Left: Prabhaker Mateti, Committee Member
Amit Joshi's PhD defense: Subhashini Ganapathi, Pascal Hitzler (advisor), Michelle Cheatham, Amit Joshi, TK Prasad, Guozhu Dong
Cogan Shimizu (left) receiving the 2016 college outstanding BS-CS student award. Mike Raymer on the right
Commencement April 2016: Dr. Adila Krisnadhi
After Raghava's Dissertation defense. From left: Prabhaker Mateti, Derek Doran, Raghava Mutharaju, Pascal Hitzler. Committee members Freddy Lecue and Frederick Maier not shown.
Data Semantics (DaSe) Laboratory
Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (CAIDS)
Department of Computer Science
Kansas State University
2224 Engineering Hall
1701D Platt St.
Manhattan, KS 66506