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“Towards automated complex ontology alignment using rule-based machine learning”, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2020. Towards_Automated_Complex_Onto.pdf (5.52 MB)
, “Towards Evaluating Complex Ontology Alignments”, Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 35, 2020.
, “Wikipedia Knowledge Graph for Explainable AI”, in Second Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), 2020. 2020_Wiki_KG_kgswc_conference.pdf (1.02 MB)
, “Advancing Agriculture through Semantic Data Management”, Semantic Web, vol. 12, no. 4, 2021. 2021_SWJ_Editorial_Ag.pdf (77.22 KB)
, “Aligning Patterns to the Wikibase Model”, Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns. 2021. Aligning Patterns to the Wikibase Model (544.4 KB)
, “Automatically Generating Human Readable Documentation for Ontology Design Patterns”, in International Semantic Web Conference Poster and Demos, 2021. ISWC2021_paper_305.pdf (161.18 KB)
, , “BMGC: A Deep Learning Approach to Classify Bengali Music Genres”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security, New York, NY, USA, 2021.
, “Bridging Upper Ontology and Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tool and Evaluation”, in KGSWC-2021, 2021. 2021_KGSWC_UpperOntologyAlignment_Evaluation.pdf (1.19 MB)
, “On the Capabilities of Pointer Networks for Deep Deductive Reasoning”, arXiv, arXiv:2106.09225 vol., 2021. 2106.09225.pdf (410.48 KB)
, “Environmental Observations in Knowledge Graphs”, in DaMaLOS 2021 @ ISWC, 2021. Environmental_Observation_in_Knowledge_Graphs.pdf (582.53 KB)
, “Expressibility of OWL Axioms with Patterns”, in ESWC 2021, 2021. Expressibility_of_OWL_ Axioms_with_Patterns.pdf (357.95 KB)
, “Expressibility of OWL Axioms with Patterns”, in The Semantic Web – 18th International Conference, ESWC 2021, 2021, pp. 230-245. 2021-ESWC-Expressebility-of-owl-axioms-and-patterns.pdf (357.95 KB)
, “InK Browser - The Interactive Knowledge Browser”, in International Semantic Web Conference, 2021, vol. 20. ISWC InK Browser Poster/Demo Paper (862.49 KB)
, “Modular Ontology Modeling”, Semantic Web, 2021. Modular_Ontology_Modeling__MOMo_swj_2020_.pdf (2.96 MB)