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A. Dalal, Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., Modular Ontology Modeling Meets Upper Ontologies: The Upper Ontology Alignment Tool, in The 19th International Semantic Web Conference, 2020, vol. 2721, pp. 119-124.PDF icon 2020-UOATool.pdf (162.59 KB)
A. Hossein Yazdavar, Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Baja, G., Romine, W., Sheth, A., Monadjemi, A. Hassan, Thirunarayan, K., Meddar, J. M., Myers, A., Pathak, J., and Hitzler, P., Multimodal mental health analysis in social media, PLoS ONE, 2020.PDF icon journal.pone_.0226248-min.pdf (1007.16 KB)
P. Hitzler, Bianchi, F., Ebrahimi, M., and Sarker, M. K., Neural-Symbolic Integration and the Semantic Web, Semantic Web, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020.
C. Shimizu, Hitzler, P., Eberhart, A., Hirt, Q., Stevens, C., Myers, C. W., Maruyama, B., Kupitz, C., and Salvucci, D., An Ontology of Instruction 1.0, 2020.PDF icon Ontology_of_Instruction_Documentation.pdf (678.38 KB)
M. Abd Nikooi Pour, Algergawy, A., Amini, R., Faria, D., Fundulaki, I., Harrow, I., Hertling, S., Jiménez-Ruiz, E., Jonquet, C., Karam, N., Khiat, A., Laadhar, A., Lambrix, P., Li, H., Li, Y., Hitzler, P., Paulheim, H., Pesquita, C., Saveta, T., Shvaiko, P., Splendiani, A., Thieblin, E., Trojahn, C., Vatascinova, J., Yaman, B., Zamazal, O., and Zhou, L., Results of theOntology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2020, 15th International Workshop on Ontology Matching. 2020.
P. Hitzler, A Review Of The Semantic Web Field, Communications of the ACM, 2020.PDF icon 2020_CACM_SWsurvey-authorversion.pdf (530.19 KB)
S. Borgo, Hitzler, P., and Shimizu, C., Time is ripe to embrace the scientific approach in Applied Ontology, Appl. Ontology, vol. 15, pp. 245–249, 2020.PDF icon AO_special_issue_2020.pdf (103.29 KB)
C. Shimizu, McGranaghan, R., Eberhart, A., and Kellerman, A. C., Towards a Modular Ontology for Space Weather Research, CoRR, vol. abs/2009.12285, 2020.PDF icon Numeric_Transformation_Pattern.pdf (521.25 KB)
L. Zhou, Towards automated complex ontology alignment using rule-based machine learning, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2020.PDF icon Towards_Automated_Complex_Onto.pdf (5.52 MB)
L. Zhou, Thieblin, E., Cheatham, M., Faria, D., Pesquita, C., Trojahn, C., and Zamazal, O., Towards Evaluating Complex Ontology Alignments, Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 35, 2020.
M. K. Sarker, Schwartz, J., Hitzler, P., Zhou, L., Nadella, S., Minnery, B., Juvina, I., Raymer, M. L., and Aue, W. R., Wikipedia Knowledge Graph for Explainable AI, in Second Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), 2020.PDF icon 2020_Wiki_KG_kgswc_conference.pdf (1.02 MB)
