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K. Janowicz, van Harmelen, F., Hendler, J. A., and Hitzler, P., Why the Data Train Needs Semantic Rails, AI Magazine, vol. 36, pp. 5–14, 2015.PDF icon 2014-semrails.pdf (269.85 KB)
S. Rudolph, Krötzsch, M., and Hitzler, P., Type-Elimination-Based Reasoning for the Description Logic SHIQbs using Decision Diagrams and Disjunctive Datalog, Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 8, 2012.PDF icon type-elimination-2012.pdf (368.62 KB)
I. S. Amiri, Ebrahimi, M., Yazdavar, A. Hossein, Ghorbani, S., Alavi, S. E., Idrus, S. M., and Ali, J., Transmission of data with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing technique for communication networks using GHz frequency band soliton carrier, IET Communications, vol. 8, pp. 1364–1373, 2014.
M. Sen Sarma, Deb, K., Dhar, P. Kumar, and Koshiba, T., Traditional Bangladeshi Sports Video Classification Using Deep Learning Method, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, 2021.
C. Widmer, Sarker, M. K., Nadella, S., Fiechter, J., Juvina, I., Minnery, B., Hitzler, P., Schwartz, J., and Raymer, M., Towards Human-Compatible XAI: Explaining Data Differentials with Concept Induction over Background Knowledge, Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 79:100807, 2023.PDF icon Towards_human_compatible_XAI.pdf (1.06 MB)
L. Zhou, Thieblin, E., Cheatham, M., Faria, D., Pesquita, C., Trojahn, C., and Zamazal, O., Towards Evaluating Complex Ontology Alignments, Knowledge Engineering Review, vol. 35, 2020.
M. Ebrahimi, Eberhart, A., Bianchi, F., and Hitzler, P., Towards Bridging the Neuro-Symbolic Gap: Deep Deductive Reasoners, Applied Intelligence, 2021.PDF icon APIN2021.pdf (865.93 KB)
