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Conference Papers
D. Carral, Feier, C., Romero, A. Armas, Grau, B. Cuenca, Hitzler, P., and Horrocks, I., Is Your Ontology as Hard as You Think? Rewriting Ontologies into Simpler DLs, in Informal Proceedings of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics, Vienna, Austria, July 17-20, 2014., 2014, pp. 128–140.PDF icon Is Your Ontology as Hard as You Think? Rewriting Ontologies into Simpler DLs .pdf (381.91 KB)
Conference Proceedings
B. Hammer, Hitzler, P., Maass, W., and Toussaint, M., 10302 Abstracts Collection - Learning paradigms in dynamic environments, Learning paradigms in dynamic environments. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2010.
A. Eberhart, Ebrahimi, M., Zhou, L., Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., Completion Reasoning Emulation for the Description Logic EL+, Proceedings of the AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering in Practice, vol. 2600., Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA, 2020.PDF icon paper5.pdf (1.89 MB)
A. Eberhart, Ebrahimi, M., Zhou, L., Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., Completion Reasoning Emulation for the Description Logic EL+, Proceedings of the AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering in Practice, vol. 2600., Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA, 2020.PDF icon paper5.pdf (1.89 MB)
Journal Article
M. Krötzsch, Rudolph, S., and Hitzler, P., Complexities of Horn Description Logics, ACM Trans. Comput. Log., vol. 14, p. 2, 2013.PDF icon Hitzler-HornDLs-2013.pdf (764.32 KB)
J. Lehmann and Hitzler, P., Concept learning in description logics using refinement operators, Machine Learning, vol. 78, pp. 203–250, 2010.PDF icon lehmann-hitzler-MLJ-2010.pdf (1.05 MB)
C. Shimizu, Hitzler, P., Hirt, Q., Rehberger, D., Estrecha, S. Gonzalez, Foley, C., Sheill, A. M., Hawthorne, W., Mixter, J., Watrall, E., Carty, R., and Tarr, D., The Enslaved Ontology: Peoples of the Historic Slave Trade, Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 63, 2020.PDF icon (pdf) author version: The Enslaved Ontology (1020.25 KB)
C. Shimizu, Hitzler, P., Hirt, Q., Rehberger, D., Estrecha, S. Gonzalez, Foley, C., Sheill, A. M., Hawthorne, W., Mixter, J., Watrall, E., Carty, R., and Tarr, D., The Enslaved Ontology: Peoples of the Historic Slave Trade, Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 63, 2020.PDF icon (pdf) author version: The Enslaved Ontology (1020.25 KB)
A. K. Seda and Hitzler, P., Generalized Distance Functions in the Theory of Computation, Computer Journal, vol. 53, pp. 443–464, 2010.PDF icon GeneralizedDistance-CJ-2010.pdf (316.51 KB)
M. Knorr, Alferes, J. Júlio, and Hitzler, P., Local Closed World Reasoning with Description Logics under the Well-Founded Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 175, no. 9-10, pp. 1528–1554, 2011.PDF icon LocalClosed-AI-2011.pdf (354.24 KB)
F. Maier, Ma, Y., and Hitzler, P., Paraconsistent OWL and Related Logics, Semantic Web, vol. 4, pp. 395–427, 2013.PDF icon paraOWL-2013.pdf (698.73 KB)
S. Huang, Li, Q., and Hitzler, P., Reasoning with Inconsistencies in Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 21, pp. 263–290, 2013.PDF icon ljigpl-parahkmf-2013.pdf (225.39 KB)
S. Huang, Li, Q., and Hitzler, P., Reasoning with Inconsistencies in Hybrid MKNF Knowledge Bases, Logic Journal of the IGPL, vol. 21, pp. 263–290, 2013.PDF icon ljigpl-parahkmf-2013.pdf (225.39 KB)
S. Rudolph, Krötzsch, M., and Hitzler, P., Type-Elimination-Based Reasoning for the Description Logic SHIQbs using Decision Diagrams and Disjunctive Datalog, Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 8, 2012.PDF icon type-elimination-2012.pdf (368.62 KB)
S. Rudolph, Krötzsch, M., and Hitzler, P., Type-Elimination-Based Reasoning for the Description Logic SHIQbs using Decision Diagrams and Disjunctive Datalog, Logical Methods in Computer Science, vol. 8, 2012.PDF icon type-elimination-2012.pdf (368.62 KB)
