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“GeoLink Cruises: A Non-Synthetic Benchmark for Co-Reference Resolution on Knowledge Graphs”, in International conference on information and knowledge management, 2020. GeoLink_Cruise_authorversion.pdf (470.84 KB)
, “GeoLink Dataset: A Complex Alignment Benchmark from Real-world Ontology”, Data Intelligence , 2020.
, “Gold-Level Open Access at the Semantic Web Journal”, Semantic Web, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020.
, Knowledge Graphs for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence: Foundations, Applications and Challenges, vol. 47. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2020.
, “Modular Graphical Ontology Engineering Evaluated”, in The Semantic Web - 17th International Conference, ESWC 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 31-June 4, 2020, Proceedings, 2020, vol. 12123, pp. 20–35. 2020_ESWC_CoModIDE.pdf (2.49 MB)
, “Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tutorial”, in Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, Extraction, and Reasoning, vol. 49, IOS Press, 2020. 2020-mom-tutorial.pdf (826.7 KB)
, “Modular Ontology Modeling Meets Upper Ontologies: The Upper Ontology Alignment Tool”, in The 19th International Semantic Web Conference, 2020, vol. 2721, pp. 119-124. 2020-UOATool.pdf (162.59 KB)
, “Modular Ontology Modeling Meets Upper Ontologies: The Upper Ontology Alignment Tool”, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2020. AbhilekhaDalal_MasterReport2020.pdf (701.5 KB)
, “Multimodal mental health analysis in social media”, PLoS ONE, 2020. journal.pone_.0226248-min.pdf (1007.16 KB)
, “Neural-Symbolic Integration and the Semantic Web”, Semantic Web, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020.
, “An Ontology of Instruction 1.0”, 2020. Ontology_of_Instruction_Documentation.pdf (678.38 KB)
, “Results of theOntology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2020”, 15th International Workshop on Ontology Matching. 2020.
, “ A Review Of The Semantic Web Field”, Communications of the ACM, 2020. 2020_CACM_SWsurvey-authorversion.pdf (530.19 KB)
, “Time is ripe to embrace the scientific approach in Applied Ontology”, Appl. Ontology, vol. 15, pp. 245–249, 2020. AO_special_issue_2020.pdf (103.29 KB)
, “Towards a Modular Ontology for Space Weather Research”, CoRR, vol. abs/2009.12285, 2020. Numeric_Transformation_Pattern.pdf (521.25 KB)