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M. Cheatham, Krisnadhi, A., Amini, R., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Shepherd, A., Narock, T., Jones, M., and Ji, P., The GeoLink Knowledge Graph, Big Earth Data, 2018.PDF icon geolink-knowledge-graph.pdf (716.25 KB)
L. Zhou, Cheatham, M., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., GeoLink Dataset: A Complex Alignment Benchmark from Real-world Ontology, Data Intelligence , 2020.
A. K. Seda and Hitzler, P., Generalized Distance Functions in the Theory of Computation, Computer Journal, vol. 53, pp. 443–464, 2010.PDF icon GeneralizedDistance-CJ-2010.pdf (316.51 KB)
A. Hossein Yazdavar, Ebrahimi, M., and Salim, N., Fuzzy Based Implicit Sentiment Analysis on Quantitative Sentences, Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Support Systems, vol. 3, pp. 7–18, 2016.
K. Janowicz, Hitzler, P., Adams, B., Kolas, D., and Vardeman, C., Five stars of Linked Data vocabulary use, Semantic Web, vol. 5, pp. 173–176, 2014.PDF icon swj653.pdf (462.87 KB)
P. Hitzler and Kühnberger, K. - U., Facets of Artificial General Intelligence, Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 23, pp. 58–59, 2009.PDF icon AGI-KI2009.pdf (150.09 KB)
J. Lehmann, Bader, S., and Hitzler, P., Extracting Reduced Logic Programs from Artificial Neural Networks, Applied Intelligence, vol. 32, pp. 249–266, 2010.PDF icon lbh08_journal.pdf (249.94 KB)
C. Shimizu, Hitzler, P., Hirt, Q., Rehberger, D., Estrecha, S. Gonzalez, Foley, C., Sheill, A. M., Hawthorne, W., Mixter, J., Watrall, E., Carty, R., and Tarr, D., The Enslaved Ontology: Peoples of the Historic Slave Trade, Journal of Web Semantics, vol. 63, 2020.PDF icon (pdf) author version: The Enslaved Ontology (1020.25 KB)
D. Carral, Zalewski, J., and Hitzler, P., An efficient algorithm for reasoning over OWL EL ontologies with nominal schemas, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2022.PDF icon 2017_journal_el_nominal_schemas_2022.pdf (498.7 KB)
K. Janowicz, Shimizu, C., Hitzler, P., Mai, G., Stephen, S., Zhu, R., Cai, L., Zhou, L., Schildhauer, M., Liu, Z., Wang, Z., and Shi, M., Diverse data! Diverse schemata?, Semantic Web, vol. 13, pp. 1–3, 2022.PDF icon sw_2022_13-1_sw-13-1-sw210453_sw-13-sw210453.pdf (61.64 KB)
K. Janowicz and Hitzler, P., The Digital Earth as Knowledge Engine, Semantic Web, vol. 3, pp. 213–221, 2012.PDF icon DEKE-SWJ-2012.pdf (249.38 KB)
P. Hitzler, Rayan, R., Zalewski, J., Norouzi, S. Saki, Eberhart, A., and Vasserman, E. Y., Deep Deductive Reasoning is a Hard Deep Learning Problem, 2023.PDF icon 2023_NAI_DDR.pdf (414.08 KB)
E. Blomqvist, Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Krisnadhi, A., Narock, T., and Solanki, M., Considerations regarding Ontology Design Patterns, Semantic Web, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2016.PDF icon swj-7-1-2015.pdf (251.83 KB)
J. Lehmann and Hitzler, P., Concept learning in description logics using refinement operators, Machine Learning, vol. 78, pp. 203–250, 2010.PDF icon lehmann-hitzler-MLJ-2010.pdf (1.05 MB)
Y. Ma, Qi, G., and Hitzler, P., Computing Inconsistency Measure based on Paraconsistent Semantics, Journal of Logic and Computation, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1257–1281, 2011.PDF icon JLC-incons-measure-2011.pdf (459.85 KB)
