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S. Stephen, Currier, K., Schildhauer, M., Cai, L., Tian, Y., Shimizu, C., Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., Lopez-Carr, A., Schroeder, A., Zhu, R., Rehberger, D., Mai, G., Liu, Z., and Fisher, C., Expertise Ontology: Modeling Expertise in the Context of Emergency Management, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2023 Episode IX: The Quebec Summer of Ontology co-located with the 13th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2023). CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3637, 2023., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2023.PDF icon 2023-JOWO-Expertise.pdf (1.32 MB)
A. Dalal, Sarker, M. K., Barua, A., and Hitzler, P., Explaining Deep Learning Hidden Neuron Activations using Concept Induction, 2023.PDF icon Explaining_Deep_Learning_Hidden_Neuron_Activations_using_Concept_Induction (2).pdf (7.89 MB)
K. Janowicz, Currier, K., Shimizu, C., Zhu, R., Shi, M., Fisher, C. K., Rehberger, D., Hitzler, P., Liu, Z., and Stephen, S., Fast Forward from Data to Insight: (Geographic) Knowledge Graphs and Their Applications. , in Handbook of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence,CRC Press, In: Song Gao, Yinjie Hu, Wenwen Li (eds.)., 2023, pp. 411-426.
S. Stephen, Schildhauer, M., Currier, K., Hitzler, P., Shimizu, C., Janowicz, K., and Rehberger, D., A Formal Framework for Disaster Risk Properties, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2023 Episode IX: The Quebec Summer of Ontology co-located with the 13th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2023). CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3637, 2023., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2023.PDF icon 2023-JOWO-disaster.pdf (1.4 MB)
C. Shimizu, Stephen, S., Currier, K., Hitzler, P., Zhu, R., Janowicz, K., Schildhauer, M., Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Dalal, A., Barua, A., Cai, L., Mai, G., Wang, Z., Tian, Y., Norouzi, S. Saki, Liu, Z., Shi, M., and Fisher, C. K., The KnowWhereGraph Ontology, 2023.
C. Shimizu, Stephen, S., Zhu, R., Currier, K., Schildhauer, M., Rehberger, D., Janowicz, K., Hitzler, P., Fisher, C., Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Christou, A., Barua, A., Dalal, A., Norouzi, S. Saki, Tian, Y., Cai, L., Mai, G., Wang, Z., Liu, Z., and Shi, M., The KnowWhereGraph Ontology: A Showcase, Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2023 Episode IX: The Quebec Summer of Ontology co-located with the 13th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS 2023). CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3637, 2023., Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2023.
C. Shimizu, Stephen, S., Zhu, R., Currier, K., Schildhauer, M., Rehberger, D., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Fisher, C. K., Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Christou, A., Barua, A., Dalal, A., Norouzi, S. Saki, Liu, Z., Shi, M., Cai, L., Mai, G., Wang, Z., and Tian, Y., The KnowWhereGraph Ontology: A Showcase, 2023.
C. Shimizu, Stephen, S., Christou, A., Currier, K., Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Norouzi, S. Saki, Dalal, A., Barua, A., Fisher, C. K., D’Onofrio, A., Thelen, T., Janowicz, K., Rehberger, D., Schildhauer, M., and Hitzler, P., KnowWhereGraph-Lite: A Perspective of the KnowWhereGraph, in KGSWC 2023, 2023.
R. Rayan, Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., MMODS-O: A Modular Ontology for the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) – Documentation, 2023.PDF icon MODS_Ontology_Documentation.pdf (2.03 MB)
R. Rayan, Shimizu, C., Sieverding, H., and Hitzler, P., A Modular Ontology for MODS – Metadata Object Description Schema, 2023.PDF icon MODS_Ontology.pdf (9 bytes)
R. Rayan, Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., An Ontology Design Pattern for Role-Dependent Names, 2023.PDF icon Role_Dependent_Names_ODP.pdf (196.94 KB)
P. Hitzler, Janowicz, K., Shimizu, C., Dalal, A., Eberhart, A., Eells, A., and Norouzi, S. Saki, Openness and Transparency in Academic Publishing: A Decade of Data from the Semantic Web Journal, 2023.
G. T. Amariucai, Hitzler, P., Jana, A., Ebrahimi, M., and Sarker, M. K., Secure Architecture for Biometric Authentication, 2023.
A. Eberhart, Zalewski, J., and Hitzler, P., Should I Stay or Should I Go: A New Reasoner for Description Logic, in Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web – 5th Iberoamerican Conference and 4th Indo-American Conference, 2023.PDF icon 2023-KGSWC-emi.pdf (841.04 KB)
Y. Zhang, Broyaka, A., Kasten, J., Featherstone, A., Shimizu, C., Hitzler, P., and McGinty, H. Kucuk, Sustainable Grain Transportation in Ukraine Amidst War Utilizing KNARM and KnowWhereGraph, Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, WWW 2023. Austin, TX, USA, pp. pp. 742-745, 2023.
