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M. Cheatham, Krisnadhi, A., Amini, R., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Shepherd, A., Narock, T., Jones, M., and Ji, P., The GeoLink Knowledge Graph, Big Earth Data, 2018.PDF icon geolink-knowledge-graph.pdf (716.25 KB)
Y. Gil, Pierce, S., Babaie, H., Banerjee, A., Borne, K., Bust, G., Cheatham, M., Ebert-Uphoff, I., Gomes, C., Hill, M., Horel, J., Hsu, L., Kinter, J., Knoblock, C., Krum, D., Kumar, V., Lermusiaux, P., Liu, Y., North, C., Pankratius, V., Peters, S., Plale, B., Pope, A., Ravela, S., Restrepo, J., Ridley, A., Samet, H., Shekhar, S., Skinner, K., Smyth, P., Tikoff, B., Yarmey, L., and Zhang, J., Intelligent Systems for Geosciences - An Essential Research Agenda, Communications of the ACM, 2018.PDF icon intelligent-systems-for-geosciences.pdf (1.03 MB)
L. Zhou, A Journey From Simple to Complex Alignment on Real-World Ontologies, in ISWC, 2018.
M. Saeid Mahdavinejad and Rezvan, M., Machine learning for internet of things data analysis: a survey, Digital Communications and Networks, vol. 4, pp. 161-175, 2018.
A. Hossein Yazdavar, Mahdavinejad, M. Saied, Bajaj, G., Thirunarayan, K., Pathak, J., and Sheth, A., Mental Health Analysis Via Social Media Data, in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2018, pp. 459-460.
A. Hossein Yazdavar, Mahdavinejad, M. Saied, Bajaj, G., Thirunarayan, K., Pathak, J., and Sheth, A., Mental Health Analysis Via Social Media Data, IEEE ICHI 2018, in IEEE, ICHI, 2018.
P. Hitzler and Shimizu, C., Modular Ontologies as a Bridge Between Human Conceptualization and Data, in Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning - 23rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2018, Edinburgh, UK, June 20-22, 2018, Proceedings, 2018, vol. 10872, pp. 3–6.PDF icon paper.pdf (141.75 KB)
C. Shimizu, Hitzler, P., and Paul, C., Ontology Design Patterns for Winston's Taxonomy Of Part-Whole Relations, in Emerging Topics in Semantic Technologies - ISWC 2018 Satellite Events [best papers from 13 of the workshops co-located with the ISWC 2018 conference], 2018, vol. 36, pp. 119–129.PDF icon main.pdf (298.39 KB)
M. Cheatham, The Properties of Property Alignment on the Semantic Web, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, vol. 13, no. 1, 2018.PDF icon properties-property-alignment.pdf (337.99 KB)
K. Janowicz, Regalia, B., Hitzler, P., Mai, G., Delbecque, S., Fröhlich, M., Mertinent, P., and Lazarus, T., On the Prospects of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies for Open Science and Academic Publishing, Semantic Web, vol. 9, no. 5, 2018.
C. Shimizu, Hirt, Q., and Hitzler, P., A Protégé Plug-In for Annotating OWL Ontologies with OPLa, in ESWC (Satellite Events), 2018, vol. 11155, pp. 23–27.PDF icon paper.pdf (465.65 KB)
A. Eberhart, Cheatham, M., and Hitzler, P., Pseudo-Random ALC Syntax Generation, in The Semantic Web: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events - ESWC 2018 Satellite Events, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 3-7, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2018, vol. 11155, pp. 19–22.PDF icon Pseudo_Random_ALC_Syntax_Generation.pdf (134.95 KB)
M. Ebrahimi, Sarker, M. K., Bianchi, F., Xie, N., Doran, D., and Hitzler, P., Reasoning over RDF Knowledge Bases using Deep Learning, arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.04132, 2018.
S. Borgo and Hitzler, P., Some Open Issues After Twenty Years of Formal Ontology, in FOIS 2018, 2018.
C. Shimizu, Towards a Comprehensive Modular Ontology IDE and Tool Suite, in Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at ISWC 2018 co-located with 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), Monterey, USA, October 8th - to - 12th, 2018., 2018, vol. 2181, pp. 65–72.PDF icon main.pdf (176.78 KB)
