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J. Zalweski, Zhou, L., Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., InK Browser – The Interactive Knowledge Browser. p. Proceedings of the ISWC 2021 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice co-located with 20th In.
Z. Liu, Gu, Z., Thelen, T., Estrecha, S., Zhu, R., Fisher, C., D’Onofrio, A., Shimizu, C., Janowicz, K., Schildhauer, M., Stephen, S., Rehberger, D., Li, W., and Hitzler, P., Knowledge Explorer: Exploring the 12-Billion-Statement KnowWhereGraph Using Faceted Search (demo paper). Seattle, Washington, p. Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, SIGSPATIAL 2022.
Y. Ma, Qi, G., Xiao, G., Hitzler, P., and Lin, Z., An Anytime Algorithm for Computing Inconsistency Measurement, in Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management, Third International Conference, KSEM 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, vol. 5914, pp. 29–40.PDF icon AnytimeAlgo-ksem2009.pdf (238.94 KB)
B. Goertzel, Hitzler, P., and Hutter, M., Artificial General Intelligence. Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 6-9, 2009. Proceedings, Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009. Atlantis Press, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2009.
P. Hitzler and Schärfe, H., Conceptual Structures in Practice. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2009, p. 425.
G. Tagni, Gueret, C., Schlobach, S., Rudolph, S., and Hitzler, P., An Evolutionary Computing Approach for Reasoning in the Semantic Web, in Poster at DECOI2009, the International Workshop on Collective Intelligence andEvolution, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2009.
P. Hitzler and Kühnberger, K. - U., Facets of Artificial General Intelligence, Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 23, pp. 58–59, 2009.PDF icon AGI-KI2009.pdf (150.09 KB)
P. Hitzler, Krötzsch, M., and Rudolph, S., Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2009, p. 455.
P. Hitzler and Kühnberger, K. - U., The Importance of Being Neural-Symbolic – A Wilde Position, in Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2009, pp. 208-209.PDF icon NeuralSymbolic-AGI2009.pdf (66.73 KB)
P. Hitzler and Kühnberger, K. - U., The Importance of Being Neural-Symbolic – A Wilde Position, in Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2009, pp. 208-209.PDF icon NeuralSymbolic-AGI2009.pdf (66.73 KB)
B. Endres-Niggemeyer, Hitzler, P., and Zacharias, V., KI 2009 - AI Mashup Challenge 2009, KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, p. 52, 2009.
P. Hitzler and Parsia, B., Ontologies and Rules, in Handbook on Ontologies, 2nd ed., S. Staab and Studer, R. Springer, 2009, pp. 111-132.PDF icon OntologyRules-BookChapter2009.pdf (252.6 KB)
P. Hitzler, Krötzsch, M., Parsia, B., Patel-Schneider, P. F., and Rudolph, S., OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: Primer, 2009. [Online]. Available:
Y. Ma and Hitzler, P., Paraconsistent Reasoning for OWL 2, in Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Third International Conference, RR 2009, Chantilly, VA, USA, 2009, vol. 5837, pp. 197–211.PDF icon Paracons-owl2-RR2009.pdf (188.59 KB)
