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R. Mutharaju, Mateti, P., and Hitzler, P., Towards a Rule Based Distributed OWL Reasoning Framework, in 12th OWL Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED 2015) co-located with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, PA, USA, 2015.PDF icon OWLED2015-Raghava.pdf (174.47 KB)
K. Sengupta and Hitzler, P., Towards Defeasible Mappings for Tractable Description Logics, in ISWC 2015 - 14th International Semantic Web Conference, Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 11-15, 2015, 2015, pp. 237-252.PDF icon 2015-iswc-defmap.pdf (344.97 KB)
K. Janowicz, van Harmelen, F., Hendler, J. A., and Hitzler, P., Why the Data Train Needs Semantic Rails, AI Magazine, vol. 36, pp. 5–14, 2015.PDF icon 2014-semrails.pdf (269.85 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Lécué, F., Pan, J. Z., Wu, J., and Hitzler, P., AI for Traffic Analytics, The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, vol. 17, no. 1, 2016.PDF icon iib_vol17no1_article4.pdf (904.69 KB)
K. Hammar, Blomqvist, E., Carral, D., van Erp, M., Fokkens, A., Gangemi, A., van Hage, W. Robert, Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Karima, N., Krisnadhi, A., Narock, T., Segers, R., Solanki, M., and Svatek, V., Collected Research Questions Concerning Ontology Design Patterns, in Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2016.PDF icon 09-research-questions.pdf (309.67 KB)
E. Blomqvist, Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Krisnadhi, A., Narock, T., and Solanki, M., Considerations regarding Ontology Design Patterns, Semantic Web, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2016.PDF icon swj-7-1-2015.pdf (251.83 KB)
G. Watts, Vardeman, C., Carral, D., and Hitzler, P., The Detector Final State pattern: Using the Web Ontology Language to describe a Physics Analysis, in Presented at the 17th International workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in physics research (ACAT), Valparaiso, Chile, January 2016., 2016.
K. Janowicz and Hitzler, P., Geospatial Semantic Web, in The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Wiley/AAG, 2016.
K. Janowicz and Hitzler, P., Geospatial Semantic Web, in The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley/AAG, 2016.
N. Karima, Hammar, K., and Hitzler, P., How to Document Ontology Design Patterns, 7th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2016). IOS Press, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
K. Janowicz, Gangemi, A., Hitzler, P., Krisnadhi, A., and Presutti, V., Introduction: Ontology Design Patterns in a Nutshell, in Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications, Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2016.
A. Hogan, Hitzler, P., and Janowicz, K., Linked Dataset Description Papers at the Semantic Web Journal: A Critical Assessment, Semantic Web, vol. 7, no. 2, 2016.PDF icon 2016-SWJ-datasets.pdf (532.92 KB)
A. Krishna Joshi, Hitzler, P., and Dong, G., LinkGen: Multipurpose linked data generator, in International Semantic Web Conference, 2016, pp. 113–121.
M. K. Sarker, Carral, D., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., Modeling OWL with Rules: The ROWL Protege Plugin, Kobe, Japan, 2016.PDF icon ROWL.pdf (184.79 KB)
A. Krisnadhi and Hitzler, P., Modeling With Ontology Design Patterns: Chess Games As a Worked Example, in Ontology Engineering with Ontology Design Patterns: Foundations and Applications, vol. 25, IOS Press, 2016, pp. 3–21.
