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“A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies”, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.
paper.pdf (386.54 KB)
“A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies”, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.
paper.pdf (386.54 KB)
“A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies”, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.
paper.pdf (386.54 KB)
“A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies”, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.
paper.pdf (386.54 KB)
“A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies”, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.
paper.pdf (386.54 KB)
“A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies”, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.
paper.pdf (386.54 KB)