Email: joshua [DOT] cong [AT] gmail [DOT].com
Experience: Research Intern at Siemens January 2015 - May 2015(4 months) Using Word2vec to do ontology mapping between wikidata and wordnet. Entity linking of free text to the aligned knowledge base. Develop a semantic search platform based on previous entity linking and mapped ontology. Investigate sparql query on spark, map-reduce reasoning (rdfs, owl ql) on spark, etc.
Ph.D Research Intern at IBM May 2014 - August 2014 (4 months) Ontology optimization/cleaning regarding to reasoning efficiency; implementation of rule-based reasoning procedure for the traffic stream data; mining association rules of the stream data (correlation between different sensors, implication relation between past and future); inconsistency resolving between the association mining rules and background knowledge base (main theoretical contribution).
Visiting Researcher at TU Dresden June 2013 - September 2013 (4 months) Research on answer set programming.
Internship at DERI June 2012 - September 2012 (4 months) Developed a rule-based inference reasoner for RDF with attributes. The attributes may be time, location, access-control properties.
Visiting Student Researcher at International WIC Institute November 2009 - September 2010 (11 months) I worked for LarKC project (the 7th EU project) in WIC institute, which is the only participant in China for EU project. I developed a support search engine for DBLP and MEDLINE.