Flipping the Classroom: Combining SCALE-UP and Distance Learning


Wright State University Teaching Innovation Award

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is successfully pursuing multiple efforts to modernize the modes of delivery of its classes. In particular, this includes active learning using SCALE-UP classrooms, and distance learning sections for traditional classes. In this project, we leverage existing infrastructure to create a class setting where a single teacher can provide, within a single class section, both an active learning experience and a distance learning setting, depending on student needs.

In this project we develop and realize a way to improve the mode of delivery of classes with theoretical content by switching to a flipped classroom active learning experience for the physically attending students, while at the same time catering for students which cannot physically attend the class. The new setting has two main benefits. First, it improves the learning experience by physically attending students. Secondly, it also provides a cost-efficient way to offer a distance learning option for the same class, without the need to establish a separately taught online section.

PI: Pascal Hitzler

Funding Agency: 

Wright State University


June, 2014


December, 2015