We conduct research concerning the theory and application of logic-based knowledge representation. This includes logic-based knowledge representation for knowledge graphs, ontologies, and more generally the semantic web. Below pointers on some of the main themes we are interested in.
Logical Foundations of Ontology Modeling
- Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies (textbook)
- OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: Primer (Second Edition)
- On the Roles of Logical Axiomatizations for Ontologies (presentation audio with slides)
- Logics for the Semantic Web
- Rule-based OWL Modeling with ROWLTab Protege Plugin (paper presentation video)
- OWLAx: A Protege Plugin to Support Ontology Axiomatization through Diagramming
- Pushing the Boundaries of Tractable Ontology Reasoning (presentation video)
- EL-ifying Ontologies
- All But Not Nothing: Left-Hand Side Universals for Tractable OWL Profiles
- Semantic Compression with Region Calculi in Nested Hierarchical Grids
- Expressibility of OWL Axioms with Patterns
Rules and Ontologies
- An Efficient Algorithm for Reasoning over OWL EL Ontologies with Nominal Schemas
- Complexities of Horn Description Logics
- OWL and Rules
- Recent advances concerning OWL and Rules (video of conference keynote)
- Rule-based OWL Modeling with ROWLTab Protege Plugin (paper presentation video)
- A Better Uncle For OWL - Nominal Schemas for Integrating Rules and Ontologies
- Practical Acyclicity Notions for Query Answering over Horn-SRIQ Ontologies
- Reconciling OWL and Non-monotonic Rules for the Semantic Web
- Local Closed-World Reasoning with Description Logics under the Well-founded Semantics
Deductive Logical Reasoning over Semantic Web Languages Using Deep Learning
- Towards Bridging the Neuro-Symbolic Gap: Deep Deductive Reasoners
- On the Capabilities of Pointer Networks for Deep Deductive Reasoning
- Neuro-Symbolic Deductive Reasoning for Cross-Knowledge Graph Entailment
- Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: Current Trends
- Reasoning over RDF Knowledge Bases using Deep Learning
- Completion Reasoning Emulation for the Description Logic EL+
- On the Capabilities of Logic Tensor Networks for Deductive Reasoning
- Complementing Logical Reasoning with Sub-symbolic Commonsense
- Fusion of Semantic Knowledge into Deep Learning Models, at US2TS 2019
- Tutorial on Deep Deductive Reasoning over Semantic Web Logics at NeSy 2021