Travel Fellowships for Students from U.S. Universities to Attend ISWC 2013


Semantic technologies, are beginning to play increasingly important roles across a broad range of applications. There is an urgent need for advanced training graduate students to conduct research in this area and prepare for academic or industrial careers.

Participation in premier research conferences in the area is an essential element of such training. This project provided funds to subsidize the travel expenses of students at U.S. universities to attend the 2013 International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), held October 21-25, 2013 in Sydney, Australia.

ISWC is a premier international conference which offers a venue for presentation of rigorously peer-reviewed research results in Semantic Web and allied areas. The conference included two events specially targeted to graduate students: The ISWC doctoral consortium offers an opportunity for doctoral students to present their work and receive feedback and mentoring. The ISWC Career Mentoring lunch provides an informal setting for students to discuss all issues pertaining to research careers with senior researchers in the community, and to establish long-term mentoring ties.

PI: Krzysztof Janowicz

Co-PI: Pascal Hitzler

Funding Agency: 

National Science Foundation


September, 2013


August, 2014