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Conference Papers
P. Anantharam, Sahoo, S. S., D. Weatherly, B., Logan, F., Mutharaju, R., Sheth, A., and Tarleton, R., Trykipedia: Collaborative Bio-Ontology Development using Wiki Environment, in Ohio Collaborative Conference on BioInformatics (OCCBIO 2009), Posters & Demos, Cleveland, OH, USA, 2009.
S. S. Sahoo, Bodenreider, O., Hitzler, P., Sheth, A., and Thirunarayan, K., Provenance Context Entity (PaCE): Scalable Provenance Tracking for Scientific RDF Data, in Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 22nd International Conference, SSDBM 2010, Heidelberg, Germany, 2010, vol. 6187, pp. 461–470.PDF icon PaCE-SSDBM2010.pdf (810.08 KB)
S. S. Sahoo, D. Weatherly, B., Mutharaju, R., Anantharam, P., Sheth, A., and Tarleton, R., Ontology-Driven Provenance Management in eScience: An Application in Parasite Research, in On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009, Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, IS, and ODBASE 2009, Proceedings, Part II, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2009, vol. 5871, pp. 992–1009.PDF icon Provenance-ODBASE2009.pdf (865.81 KB)
R. Mutharaju, Sahoo, S. S., D. Weatherly, B., Anantharam, P., Logan, F., Sheth, A., and Tarleton, R., Ontology Driven Integration of Biology Experiment Data, in Ohio Collaborative Conference on BioInformatics (OCCBIO 2009), Posters & Demos, Cleveland, OH, USA, 2009.