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Conference Papers
C. Shimizu, Hitzler, P., and Paul, C., Ontology Design Patterns for Winston's Taxonomy Of Part-Whole Relations, in Emerging Topics in Semantic Technologies - ISWC 2018 Satellite Events [best papers from 13 of the workshops co-located with the ISWC 2018 conference], 2018, vol. 36, pp. 119–129.PDF icon main.pdf (298.39 KB)
R. Rayan, Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., An Ontology Design Pattern for Role-Dependent Names, 2023.PDF icon Role_Dependent_Names_ODP.pdf (196.94 KB)
C. Shimizu and Cheatham, M., An Ontology Design Pattern for Microblog Entries, in 8th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP2017), 2017.PDF icon paper.pdf (1.36 MB)
A. Dalal, Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., Modular Ontology Modeling Meets Upper Ontologies: The Upper Ontology Alignment Tool, in The 19th International Semantic Web Conference, 2020, vol. 2721, pp. 119-124.PDF icon 2020-UOATool.pdf (162.59 KB)
R. Rayan, Shimizu, C., Sieverding, H., and Hitzler, P., A Modular Ontology for MODS – Metadata Object Description Schema, 2023.PDF icon MODS_Ontology.pdf (9 bytes)
P. Hitzler and Shimizu, C., Modular Ontologies as a Bridge Between Human Conceptualization and Data, in Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning - 23rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2018, Edinburgh, UK, June 20-22, 2018, Proceedings, 2018, vol. 10872, pp. 3–6.PDF icon paper.pdf (141.75 KB)
C. Shimizu, Hammar, K., and Hitzler, P., Modular Graphical Ontology Engineering Evaluated, in The Semantic Web - 17th International Conference, ESWC 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 31-June 4, 2020, Proceedings, 2020, vol. 12123, pp. 20–35.PDF icon 2020_ESWC_CoModIDE.pdf (2.49 MB)
M. Cheatham, Ferguson, H., Charles, V., and Shimizu, C., A Modification to the Hazardous Situation ODP to Support Risk Assessment and Mitigation, in Workshop on Ontology Design Patterns (WOP), 2016.PDF icon modification-hazardous-situation.pdf (278.75 KB)
C. Shimizu, Eberhart, A., Karima, N., Hirt, Q., Krisnadhi, A., and Hitzler, P., A Method for Automatically Generating Schema Diagrams for OWL Ontologies, in 1st Iberoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC), Villa Clara, Cuba, 2019.PDF icon paper.pdf (386.54 KB)
C. Shimizu, Stephen, S., Christou, A., Currier, K., Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Norouzi, S. Saki, Dalal, A., Barua, A., Fisher, C. K., D’Onofrio, A., Thelen, T., Janowicz, K., Rehberger, D., Schildhauer, M., and Hitzler, P., KnowWhereGraph-Lite: A Perspective of the KnowWhereGraph, in KGSWC 2023, 2023.
C. Shimizu, Stephen, S., Zhu, R., Currier, K., Schildhauer, M., Rehberger, D., Hitzler, P., Janowicz, K., Fisher, C. K., Mahdavinejad, M. Saeid, Christou, A., Barua, A., Dalal, A., Norouzi, S. Saki, Liu, Z., Shi, M., Cai, L., Mai, G., Wang, Z., and Tian, Y., The KnowWhereGraph Ontology: A Showcase, 2023.
J. Zalewski, Zhou, L., Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., InK Browser - The Interactive Knowledge Browser, in International Semantic Web Conference, 2021, vol. 20.PDF icon ISWC InK Browser Poster/Demo Paper (862.49 KB)
S. Stephen, Schildhauer, M., Janowicz, K., Currier, K., Hitzler, P., Shimizu, C., Fisher, C. K., and Rehberger, D., The HIP Ontology: a formal framework to support disaster risk reduction and management, in JOWO 2024 at FOIS 2024, 2024.PDF icon 2024_FOIS_HIP.pdf (632.26 KB)
Q. Hirt, Shimizu, C., and Hitzler, P., Extensions to the Ontology Design Pattern Representation Language, in Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Ontology Design and Patterns (WOP 2019) co-located with 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, October 27, 2019, 2019, vol. 2459, pp. 76–75.PDF icon short2.pdf (365.65 KB)
A. Eberhart, Shimizu, C., Chowdhury, S., Sarker, M. K., and Hitzler, P., Expressibility of OWL Axioms with Patterns, in ESWC 2021, 2021.PDF icon Expressibility_of_OWL_ Axioms_with_Patterns.pdf (357.95 KB)
